With a new year for most people also comes a New Year’s Resolution and many of them involve FITNESS goals.

Every year most people try to come up with their New Year’s Resolution and many of these goals are fitness or health related goals.

But do you know that 92% of people fail to achieve their New Year’s Resolution? Most don’t even make it through first quarter of the year.

Fitness experts have found out that the SUCCESS of staying committed to your fitness goal all comes down to ONLY one factor.

That One Factor is CONSISTENCY.

How to have Consistency? Here’s some tips:

  1. Exercise with a friend who already have the habits of consistent exercise. Get this friend or friends to push you a little and motivates you to exercise with them.
  2. At the same time, you may also want to motivate another friend to get her to workout with you. So, you yourself have to be an example to her.
  3. Take it easy and enjoy the workout session with your friends. Once you enjoy it, you will build consistency. Only after that, you start tracking your improvement. Meanwhile, start enjoying the fun of being workout with your friends.
  4. Motivate yourself by dressing yourself up by getting a nice fitness outfit. I like my compression wear because it makes me feel the great “spring” feeling while wearing it. And, because of that it let me feel I have more energy to exercise more. Try one and you will know that energetic feeling.
  5. Download great workout songs and play them before your planned workout session. Once you pump up those songs, your blood will start boiling and make you just wanna jump up and start moving.

Dark Grey Compression Tights

So, start taking action now by sharing this newsletter with your friends and start forming a group that you can workout together such as running or zumba together.

Let’s make this 2018 a Awesome Healthy Year for All of Us. Yeah!!!

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